That we may not omit any of the elements of Prince
Pallagonia's folly, we give you the accompanying catalogue. Men: beggars, male
and female, Spanish men and women, Moors, Turks, hunchbacks, cripples of all
sorts, strolling musicians, pulcinellos, soldiers in ancient uniforms, gods,
goddesses, gentlemen in old French costumes, soldiers with cartouche boxes and
gaiters, mythological personages (with most ridiculous companions, — Achilles
and Charon, for instance, with Punch). Animals (merely parts of them): heads of
horses on human bodies, misshapen apes, lots of dragons and serpents, all sorts
of feet under figures of all kinds, double-headed monsters, and creatures with
heads that do not belong to them. Vases: all sorts of monsters and scrolls,
which below end in the hollows and bases of vases.
(Translation: Alexander James William Morrison)
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